June 07, 2006

Opinion: Lindsay Lohan: "I Want Big-Time Directors"

A rumor was reported on Fox News a couple of days ago. Lohan, who recently starred in A Praire Home Companion, has reportedly walked away from the movie Bill due to the inexperience of the first-time directors. The movie was to star her alongside Amanda Peet and Aaron Eckhart.

All I can say is that I wish her luck, but I don’t think a director’s fame is equal to his quality.

Big-time directors are human too, and can run a production into the ground regardless of their fame. You can’t really blame Lohan considering that, like Hilary Duff, she’s been getting a boatload of movies with only some margin of success. What keeps her and Duff in the spotlight is their fame, and not necessarily the quality of their music or movies.

Perhaps Lohan should pull a Ron Howard and switch careers and disappear behind the camera. There’s actually much more worth in being the director than the actor, simply because the director can control some portion of the product he or she is shooting. As an actor, your worth is only as good as the movie you were in and the money you get from that movie. For directors or any behind the scenes folks, they can make the money and forgo the worry as to whether it made the critics happy or not.

What kills me about this rumor — while it may not be true — is the stupidity of the notion. Every movie is a crap shoot, and none are made with the idea of being a hit. Flashdance, which was crappy as all get out, made it because it had an idea and a musical soul to it that surpassed the rather syrupy plot. The same with Footloose. Both movies were directed by people who were big-time but if they weren’t offered the money, would probably never touch the films in the first place.

Years from now, I bet she will be begging Disney for a Parent Trap 2.

Posted by Matthew at June 7, 2006 07:58 PM | TrackBack
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