We engage women in the aggressive manner because it is seen as interest. The woman who sees this interest is normally supposed to respond back with affection. When a woman doesn’t, we feel that somehow there’s something wrong with us. The truth is, as much as woman fear not being selected as the prey, we are afraid of not being respected as her potential hunter.
We reserve our thoughts on topics because we feel conversation is a time waster, and is better left friends to discuss. Women however speak their minds when possible on everything, which we see as an annoyance. That fear of a conversation between a man and his mate, is the fear that conversation gives a woman “ideas”. But what men and women don’t understand, is that a man as merely the pet of a woman, not the other way around. She has more on the ball than you see, and it doesn’t take long for thoughts to come out.
We build our bodies up to look like the mythologies of old time. Of course a woman in the eyes of men is supposed to respond to such strength because it’s a sign of protection against evil. And yet, the more we push our women to the back, the more they wish to be up front. When more of the things men are supposed to do go to the women, we feel that strength is just useless. When that strength becomes useless, we feel we are being pushed to the back, like a woman is usually supposed to feel.
Being a man is more about being honest with yourself than any one stereotype. It’s okay to fall back on those standards of old, and let the woman do some of the work. It’s good to let yourself speak more than “give me a beer” and “pass the booty” to your spouse. It’s right to treat a woman like her equal. Invest some time in her, because she doesn’t actually need you. Everyone is expendable in a relationship.
Posted by Matthew at April 3, 2006 02:12 PM | TrackBack