May 01, 2006

TV Review: Everybody Hates Chris - "Everybody Hates Drew"

For most of the season, Drew (Tequan Richmond) had been seen as the dumber little brother to Chris (Tyler James Williams). Despite this, he somehow surpassed Chris in everything. He was better at sports, he was better at getting girls, and he was master of karate. Finally, tired of being second best to his brother, Chris signed up for karate classes to be equal to Drew at something he was good at. The episode also marked another adventure for Tanya (Imani Hakim) who, after months of fighting with her mother Rochelle (Tichina Arnold), finally decided to take her to the beauty shop, a place known for adult conversations. Both plots were funnier than expected and also provided some character depth into Chris' older brother and sister.

Tanya always confided in her father Julius to consider her a favorite, while Rochelle was usually fair with everyone. As she begins to see what her mother and her girls talk about in the shop, she decides to share it with the family at dinner. While this startled Rochelle, she found that Tanya started to share some of her mother's personality with her. She got all the good gossip that might have slipped Rochelle's ears. Of course gossiping isn't good, Rochelle explained to Tanya, but if she's gonna do it, keep it in the shop.

Meanwhile, Chris learned his lesson — the hard way. As he took the classes, he began to learn moves that looked cool on the sliver screen to Drew, but actually were painful as hell in real life. During a play fight between himself and Drew, Chris twisted Drew's arm. Julius, in all of his wisdom, sat down with Chris to tell him it was okay not to be good at some things. However, Chris wasn't quite off the hook yet; he still had to apologize to his brother. In doing so, he discovered that Drew admired Chris for taking responsibility for the house when his parents aren't around, among other things. The two made up and became friends to each other again, but not before Drew twisted Chris's arm.

The rest of the episodes after Christmas may have toned down the language, but the laughs are still there. This is one of those to come since the Christmas episode last year caused the network to pay a bit more attention to the content of the series. This episode also showed, yet again, that you can put all three kids in the same episode without having to have them together in the same room.

Posted by Matthew at May 1, 2006 12:17 PM | TrackBack
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